Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tummy Time

Abigail got sick on Monday night so we took her to the doctor on Tuesday to be safe. She was 8 lbs 3.5 oz on our last doctor visit and we did not want to risk her being sick before she reached her birth weight. It turns out, that was not a concern. They weighed her at the doctor's office and she is 9 lbs even. That is 7 oz over her birth weight! They grow up so fast...

The doctor thinks it is most likely that Abby was sick because she was fed too much, so she cleared us to allow Abby to sleep up to 6 hours (we were waking her every three) between feedings. Mommy actually got 5 hours of continuous sleep last night. Wow!

The doctor also encouraged us to give her a little tummy time during the day to build her strength and use some energy so she will sleep at night. Check out the following pics and video proving just how big and strong she is.


Jo Leigh said...

Good job Abby on being a sweet girl during tummy time! I hope you keep liking it so much because it's very important!
She has already changed so much! I can't wait to see her again soon!

Laura said...

She is so cute!!! Are you breast feeding or formula feeding? I can't believe she is already back at birth weight

Sarah said...

Oh well, I dropped my pacifier, no biggie.
I love her.