Monday, April 27, 2009

The Swamp

We took Abby on a big adventure Saturday. We loaded up and went to a swamp, Abby fell asleep on the way there, she is good at napping in the car.

The swamp has a board walk all around it, we put Abby in the stroller and off we went. It is 2.4 miles around the whole thing, not too far but far enough for me since I am still recovering from having the little sweet pea.

She started waking up to eat so we scoped out a good place to sit down and relax while Abby ate.

Turns out her meal was pretty good, so good in fact we had to change outfits if you know what I mean.

There were turtles swimming in the lake where we stopped to rest, and some cool fish but it was hard to take pictures of the fish.

Abby and the lake, look at that pot belly!

We made it home in time for dinner and to put the Abby to bed. It was a big outing for everyone, but nice to know that we can get out and do things with our girl!


Jo Leigh said...

How fun! It is reassuring when you do things like that in the beginning & prove to yourself that you can! I'm so glad that you guys had a nice day & enjoyed this great weather!

Brian Dimbath said...

Wow, you are very adventurous...going to a swamp.

But then again we were packing Madison up for a road trip to Ohio when she was that age. I guess we are both crazy. but it just proves our little ones are pretty mobile.

Love the pics