Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lilly Loves The Hondo Dog Park!!!

Lilly has really enjoyed the Hondo Dog Park here is Hillsboro. It is only a couple minutes from our apartment and I try to take her everyday.

Hey, Mom, I got something here, I am going to run after it!

She gets so excited about all the butterflies and birds to chase around.

Now I am thirsty, prepare for landing at the watering hole.

So the watering hole is the safe zone, all the dogs know it, the only thing allowed here is water drinking and butt sniffing. (Lilly's friend Duke there is a 9 month old Greyhound, he is not a racing dog)

Lilly got the water hole to herself and is trying to decide how much trouble she will be in if she lays down in that puddle of dirty water.

Back out on the field, Lilly wants to know why the dogs over there can't play with her, because they are in the shy/timid dog area, and you don't qualify as shy or timid.

Resting with Dad after a long day at work and the park.

Who says I am not shy and timid, ohh right, only when I sleep! :)

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