Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Star Struck

You are NEVER going to believe this, but I have Adam to vouch for me.

Yesterday I am driving Adam home from work, we are on NW 229th Ave which is about 1 block from our apartment. We see someone riding a bike (which you see all the time around here) BUT, this was Zack Roloff from Little People, Big World! No Joke!! Adam was like hey isn't that Zach and I was like YEAH!

Of course I don't have my camera in the CR-V, so I don't have a picture, I actually thought about going to get it since we were right by the apartment but then I was like I don't want to be a stalker.

So this got me thinking, I knew they lived in Oregon, and I wanted to go to the Roloff Farms for pumpkin season. I looked up the farms and they live right here in Hillsboro, and we will be here for the pumpkin season! I LOVE Oregon!!

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