Friday, May 22, 2009

Gall bladder, Who needs 'em?

So here is another quick update......

Things do get better everyday as far as the surgery goes (Thank God!), my latest challenge is eating. Things just don't taste right and it hurts to digest food. Please pray specifically for eating as I need to eat more so I can "feed the baby" aka Abby. Also pray for Adam as he has gotten a cold and has to go back to work tomorrow, which also means I will be home with Abby by myself.

Thanks to Grandma Straw for helping us this last week, we were really sad to see her go home. There is nothing like having a mom around when you don't feel good and she sure took good care of us, especially me!

Another Update

Things are looking up today, I am more moble and have less pain than yesterday. Still hard to play and pick up Abby. The bruising is getting worse but that is how it will heal I am told. Thankfully Adam's mom is here to help with Abby and keep us fed. Yet again she saves the day, or week in this case! We would be up a crick with out her for sure. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us, we do need your prayers. I go for my follow-up with the surgeon on friday. Hopefully in another few days I will feel like a new woman. :)


Well this is day three after the gall bladder has been taken out and I am still in a lot of pain, I am bruising and my belly is very swollen. Please continue to pray for a quicker recovery and less pain. Please also pray for Adam who is taking care of me and Abby, He is living on little sleep and keeping the family together. He is doing a GREAT job I might add!

Well, today at 1:30 eastern time I will be having my gall bladder taken out. I went to the ER Tuesday morning with chest pain and trouble breathing, turns out I was having a gall bladder attack. They took an x-ray, ultra sound, blood work and urine sample to find out I have gall stones and a UTI. Pain has been pretty bad the last few days, but that should all go away this afternoon, at least from the gall bladder, then I begin the recovery process from surgery. Good news is that the surgery is laproscopic, out patient, and there is no infection in the gall bladder. These should all add up to a quick recovery! Please keep me in your prayers today.


Erin Mary said...

Absolutely you are in our prayers. Hope everything went well,call me when you are up for chatting!

Carol & Leland Schaad said...

Hi, Ang... Your dad said you came through great. Hope you are feeling much better today.
Love and prayers, G'pa and G'ma Schaad

carolyn said...

I am thinking about you! I hope you feel better soon.

Jo Leigh said...

I hope that you will be a new woman VERY SOON, too! You guys are all still in my thoughts & prayers, & I will be checking in with you soon!