Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here's the scoop!

No baby, yet, but we have an induction scheduled. We will be going to the hospital tomorrow at 5pm, they will start me on some pre-induction medication to prepare me for the pitocin on Thursday morning. If all the drugs work we should have ourselves a beautiful baby girl sometime on Thursday. Please pray for the medication to work well and quickly. We will post pictures of Abigail as soon as she arrives.


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you! We pray everything goes smoothly. Love you!

Marla Jones said...

Just like you and your mom screamed at me at the airport as I was walking with the newly arrived Riley.

HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can hardly wait to see pictures of Abigail.

We will be praying for both of you that all will go well. Love
Jim, Marla, Riley,& Annie

Laura said...

You will do great...i hear ya, these first babies get a little too comfortable in there, i am heading on the same path as you i think. Can't wait to see the photos.