Abby just turned 4 months old and we can't believe it! She is growing and changing so fast. She talks all day long, (like her mother) rolls over from her belly to her back, scoots on the floor, (she wants to crawl so bad) she chooses what toy she wants to play with and lets you know when she is bored with it, she loves the jump up and the bumbo seat, (anything that keeps her upright) she does not want to be rocked to sleep anymore, (this makes mommy sad) she also prefers to suck on her thumb or fingers instead of the pacifier, she loves to look at herself in the mirror, bath time solves all her problems she loves the water, (until you take her out of the tub) she is trying really hard to to sit up on her own, she has slept from 8pm to 7am for almost two weeks now, (she still wakes up in the middle of the night but not to eat) she loves to give kisses, (they are soo slobbery) she is a snuggle bunny in the morning, smiles all day long, (most of the time) she is trying to shake that third nap but some days she really needs it, she has the sweetest personality and is so out going. We can't remember life before her and would not change a thing. She is an amazing little girl and so full of energy, we cherish everyday with her even the tough ones. She loves to laugh and one smile makes everything right in our world. We love you baby girl!